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Online Therapy for the Betrayed

The Beginning of Betrayal Trauma

My stomach is in knots and I feel a constant lump in my throat. I can’t sleep and I feel nauseous. 

I think my spouse is having an affair.

I’m confused, I’m broken.  I’m unsure of what to do next. I find myself trying to find proof, yet deep down I think I already know the answer. 

But facing it straight on is terrifying 

because of what answers I will receive 

and how those answers will instantly change my life.

Will they tell me that they are leaving me and that they haven’t loved me for a long time? 

Will they tell me they are sorry and that it will never happen again? 

Will they lie to me and say that I’m crazy making me doubt myself when I already know the truth? 

I’m angry, I’m distraught and

I’m embarrassed to admit that 

even though they are cheating on me,

I hope that they still want me 

and want to work on the marriage even though I’m not sure I do.

Therapy for Betrayal Trauma and Infidelity PTSD

Are you struggling with the pain and trauma of betrayal? Have you been cheated on and find yourself struggling with feelings of anger, anxiety, and depression?

Betrayal trauma and PTSD are common aftereffects of infidelity, and my therapy services are designed specifically to help those who are suffering from these symptoms. As an experienced therapist, I offer a safe and supportive space where you can process your emotions and start to heal from the pain of betrayal.

In therapy, you'll learn coping strategies to help you manage your emotions, reduce anxiety, and improve your overall well-being. Together, we will help you figure out next steps and navigate the roller coaster of emotions. I will work with you to develop a personalized treatment plan that takes into account your unique experiences and goals.

I know that healing from betrayal is a journey, one that can hurt as much as the death of a loved one. I am here to support you every step of the way.

If you're ready to take the first step towards healing, I encourage you to reach out to me today. I am ready to help you navigate this difficult time and find a path forward towards a brighter, more fulfilling future.